

Sehr geehrter Herr Mboto,

vielen Dank für ihre erschöpfende, wenn auch wiederholende Mail. Ihren Auführungen nach darf ich annehmen, daß Sie bereits Erfahrungen mit solchen Geschäften getätigt haben. Dies erfreut mein Gemüt.
Die technischen Anfordernungen kann ich problemlos erfüllen:

1. Ja, das Konto besteht bereits, da ich schon eiinige Geschäfte mit Afrika gemacht habe
2. Wie schon zu Beginn unser Konservation erwähnt, sind 25% ein faires Angebot
3. Sie können mir genauso vertrauen, wie ich Ihnen vertraue. Wir sind doch Profis oder?
4. Ja auch dieses vermag ich zu garantieren, wobei durch den heißen Sommer das Telefonnetz schon mal ausfallen kann
5. Eine Kopie meines Lichtbildausweises werde ich Ihnen zukommen lassen

Meine Bankverbindung lautet:

Empfänger: Emil Tischbein
Bank: Frankfurter Parkbank
Konto-Nr. DE43500206000000815419

Die Telefonnummern sind unten angegeben, Fax bzw. Anrufbeantworter gehen immer ran, wenn ich mal nicht zur Stelle bin.

Lichtbildausweis entnehmen Sie bitte dem Anhang.

Emil Tischbein
Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

Attn: Mr Emil Tischbein.,

How are you and your family today?

Sequel to your email acknowledgement to my business proposal wherein you have indicated your willingness to assist my humble-self and colleague in the prompt realisation of this pending transaction of wish we are very grateful, I am enjoining you to extend to us your maximum cooperation and follow very strictly the instructions we shall pass to you from time to time to enable us conclude this deal quickly according to the impeccable modalities that we have mapped out. Your contact address was provided by our contact man that works with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in South Africa.

Let me emphasize here that our primary concern is to find you as "someone" that is competent and has the capability of receiving the amount ( USD14.5Million) on our behalf and also to establish a long lasting business relationship with you. Based on the fact that business all over the world is based on mutual trust and understanding, I must not fail to state that as a partner in this transaction, you and I must have and maintain mutual trust, honesty and confidence to mark the foundation of this mutual business transaction / relationship.

With the full assurance that you can be trusted putting into consideration the magnitude of the sum involved in this transaction, I would appreciate your kind response to the following to enable us proceed as the case maybe.

1. Can you provide an Account (Private or Company) that can receive the said amount USD14.5Million

2. Are you satisfied with my suggested 25% as your expected share after the deduction of all expenses upon the receipt of the fund in your nominated bank account?

3. Can you guarantee our due share of the money upon the receipt of the sum (USD14.5M) in your account without any problem of mistrust?

4. Can you guarantee very strict confidentiality with this deal as well as absolute co-operation and constant telephone/fax communication during the course of this transaction?

5. Can you provide us your I.D. or Passport as a guarantee for us to finalize this transaction with you?

What is required:-

i) Company Name and Address
ii) Bank Co-ordinate (A/C #, Routing #, Bank Address and Name of Beneficiary)
iii) Fax Number, Mobile/Cell phone
iv) Photo-copy of I.D

Dear Emil, it is very important you understand how we intend to carry-out this mutual business transaction.

Upon receipt of the required details, I shall immediately put up an application which will be filed and submitted on your behalf through the commercial department of the STANDARD BANK PLC S.A. to immediately release the Fund (14.5MILLION) to you as the Next-of-Kin / Appointed beneficiary of the deceased. This application will then pass through various parastatals and departments and finally be passed to Debt reconciliation / review panel of the Ministry of Finance whose responsibility is to peruse and verify such claims and subsequently recommend for the release / payment when necessary.

At this point, your supplied information's will be use to process and establishing you as the "Next-of-Kin" and the true Appointed beneficiary of Late.Andreas Schranner based on the secured order of "Mandamus" issued to us by the probate under the South African Justice Ministry to locate any of the deceased family / beneficiary;. Take note; it does not matter if you are not related, and does not share the same last name as the deceased, what is important is that we are going to front you as the Next of Kin / Appointed beneficiary and prepare all relevant documents that will enable you receive this fund.

I shall in due course furnish you and fax you copies of some of the secured documents once secured. These documents are very vital for Payment to be approved by the Ministry of Finance and the South African Reserve Bank for immediate remittance to your nominated bank account.

With your co-operation and necessary support, we have estimated this whole transaction not to exceed Ten (10) working days; approximately (2) week from the time I receive the above requested information's.

Most importantly, I expect that you endeavour to maintain absolute confidentiality until the funds is safely received by your good-self and deposited into your nominated bank account.

Because money can be tempting, we must endeavour to avoid any other party into this transaction who does not stand to benefit bountifully from our success in this transaction, because we could be blackmailed in the future, who knows.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation. I expect to receive the needed information as soon as possible. Thanks and God bless you.

Best regards,

Joshua Mboto (Dr.)

Note: I will be calling you at about 5.00pm later today for more discussion as regard this business transaction.

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