

Hallo ihr da draußen,

Geld ist überwiesen! Wann krieg ich meine Kohle? Bitte den Betrag um die genannte GEbühr aufstoclen!

Emil Tischbein







Meine liebe Aminata,

anscheinend warst Du noch nie in Holland, denn sonst wüsstest Du, dass das die Sündenmeile Europas ist, dagegen ist die Herbertstrasse auf Pauli ein Nonnenkloster!
Nichts desto trotz habe ich mich mit der Bank in Verbindung gesetzt, aber noch keine Antwort erhalten. Vielleicht kannst du ja auch noch was Druck ausüben, damit die Angelegenheit zur vollsten Zufriedenheit aller Beteiligten als erledigt betrachtet werden kann.

Es grüßt
der Emil

Dear Brother,

You are not sounding serious at all, how could you have ignored a transaction of this magnitude even if you are in Holland, are there no internet in there?

Please show sign of seriousness.



Hallo Aminata,

das Problem war, dass ich einen längeren Aufenthalt in Holland in einem Kaffeehaus hatte. Zwr war lediglich geplant dort 3 Tage zu verweilen, aber die Zeit....puh, die verging wie im Flug.
Ich habe von der Bank ein Schreiben erhalten, was ich ausfüllen soll. Blöderweise habe ich keinen Drucker parat, um das Schreiben anzudrucken. Ich werde versuchen eine andere Lösung zu finden.
Ich melde mich, sobald ich was weiß.


PS: warte immer noch auf ein Bild von Dir!

Dear Brother,

I have not heard from you anymore, what is the problem?


Hallo die Herren Schergen,

anbei das korrekt ausgefüllte Formular. Sollte es nicht korrekt sein, korrigiert es bitte und sendet mir eine Kopie zu.

Es größt
Emil Tischbein



(No part or whole of this document is permitted for transference or reproduction as it is the sole property of the Banque Internationale Du Burkina Faso and must be for the rightful recipient only. You are to make all your correspondences with this bank through this customer email service address above. We received your emergency application, the secret code and copies of your identity and have decided to act swiftly knowing that you have applied according to our rules)
Sequel to your application, secret code and your identification copies received by this bank, we wish to in form you that this bank regret the sudden death of your Partner who was a renowned client of this bank.
This bank wish to inform you that we are ready to approve the transfer of the fund to your designated bank account once you satisfy all our requirements.



Confidentiality & Disclaimer Note: This e-mail and any attachments thereto contain protected and confidential information intended for the sole use of the addressee individual or organization. If you are not the addressee or an authorized agent for him/it, or if you have received this message by error please notify the sender immediately by returning the message, and delete this copy from your system without any illegal use.

The Banque Internationale Du Burkina Faso (BIB) shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system.



Hallo unbekannter Verdreher der Herzen,

der mir per stiller Post zugetragene superstrenggeheime Schlüssel, den ich weitergeben darf, lautet BXBX2121/BIB-BF
Meine Verifikation meiner Person bitte ich aus dem angehängten Anhang, der in der Mail als angehängter Anhang angehängt wurde, zu entnehmen.

Mit Dackelblick
Emil Tischbein


(No part or whole of this document is permitted for transference or reproduction as it is the sole property of the Banque Internationale Du Burkina Faso and must be for the rightful recipient only. You are to make all your correspondences with this bank through this customer email service address above. We received your emergency application and decided to act swiftly knowing that you have applied according to our rules)
Sequel to your application received by this bank, we wish to inform you that this bank regret the sudden death of your Partner who was a renowned client of this bank.
This bank wish to inform you that we are ready to transfer the fund into your account but, we would like to follow the protocols.
We hereby ask you to send us the (secret code)
which was giving to your late partner in agreement the day the fund was deposited. You should also send us a scanned copy of your international passport or any government approved ID card before the transfer can take place in your nominated account information as presented before us.

Confidentiality & Disclaimer Note: This e-mail and any attachments thereto contain protected and confidential information intended for the sole use of the addressee individual or organization. If you are not the addressee or an authorized agent for him/it, or if you have received this message by error please notify the sender immediately by returning the message, and delete this copy from your system without any illegal use.
The Banque Internationale Du Burkina Faso (BIB) shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system.



Hallo Aminata,

habe diese Mail von der Bank bekommen. Die fragen jetzt nach einem Secret Code. Soll ich einfach eine x-beliebige Nummer angeben (Umfang rechter Oberschenkel von His Royalness zu Gutenberg) oder hast Du mir was verschwiegen?
Brauche das Geld dringen, will groß in das Vogelfutter-Geschäft in Grönland einsteigen. Da sind extreme Margen zu machen! Und Du weißt ja: der frühe Vogel hat Gold im Mund!



(No part or whole of this document is permitted for transference or reproduction as it is the sole property of the Banque Internationale Du Burkina Faso and must be for the rightful recipient only. You are to make all your correspondences with this bank through this customer email service address above. We received your emergency application and decided to act swiftly knowing that you have applied according to our rules)
Sequel to your application received by this bank, we wish to inform you that this bank regret the sudden death of your Partner who was a renowned client of this bank.
This bank wish to inform you that we are ready to transfer the fund into your account but, we would like to follow the protocols.
We hereby ask you to send us the (secret code)
which was giving to your late partner in agreement the day the fund was deposited. You should also send us a scanned copy of your international passport or any government approved ID card before the transfer can take place in your nominated account information as presented before us.

Confidentiality & Disclaimer Note: This e-mail and any attachments thereto contain protected and confidential information intended for the sole use of the addressee individual or organization. If you are not the addressee or an authorized agent for him/it, or if you have received this message by error please notify the sender immediately by returning the message, and delete this copy from your system without any illegal use.
The Banque Internationale Du Burkina Faso (BIB) shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system.


Hallo Aminata,

schade, dass Du mir keine weiteren Informationen geben kannst, aber ich habe soeben die geforderten Informationen veredelt angegeben.

Es grüßt Dich herzlich
Dein Emil

Dear Brother,

Just do it any how you can but, on time as we are short of time.


Diese Zusammenfassung ist nicht verfügbar. Klicke hier, um den Post aufzurufen.



Hallo Aminata,

gerne bin ich bereit die geforderten Informationen nochmals zukommen zu lassen, auch wenn ich Dir bereits alle Daten gesendet habe. Bist Du nicht geneigt diese selbst weiterzuleiten? Gibt es Differenzen zwischen Dir und Deinem Bankheini? Kann ich nachvollziehen, auf die Banker ist ja kein Verlass mehr, die ziehen einem nur die Asche aus der Tasche.
Soll ich das handschriftlich machen (meine Handschrift ist eine Sauklaue, fraglich ob der Knirps das lesen kann) oder reicht es aus wenn ich es elektronisch verfasse?
Ich meine bevor mir die Millionen durch die Lappen (oder Finnen) gehen, geh ich lieber auf Nummer Sicher.

Grüße aus dem sonnigen Frankfurt

Dear Brother,

I am in receipt of your data and at the same time would like you to
fill in your banking information in this application text below as the
business associate to my late husband, instructing the bank to
transfer the fund into your account. Be rest assured that your information
will remain confidential and will not be used for any illegal
activity, this I promise.

Here is the application text below fill it correctly and send to the
bank as directed and a copy to me for my perusal:

Attention, Mr.Gaspard Ouedraogo
The Director General.
Banque Internationale Du Burkina
Fax 00226 50 47 23 76
Email: bib.burkina@financier.com


I'm Mr… ……….of the above mentioned firm introduces myself as a
business partner/next to late Mr.Salif Abdullahi who was one of your
customers and my business associate who died in his home town after a
heart attack living behind the sum of $8.000.000( Eight Million
Dollars Only) in your custody.

Having introduce my person to this Bank, I therefore advice and
instruct BIB bank Ouagadougou Burkina Faso to effect the release of
Mr.Salif Abdullahi's fund, valued at US$8.000.000M into the below
stated bank details as it is long due for payment.

Beneficiary................... ...........................
Country of Origin.....................................
Sex........................... ..............................
Private Email Address....................... .......
Private Telephone..................... .................
Private Fax........................... .......................
Bank name................................................
Bank Address.............................................
Account No............................ ...................
Tel No............................ ......................
Fax No............................ .......................
Telex No.................................................
Sir I will appreciate if you will act accordingly to the release of
the fund and wish to respond to all your demands . Thanking you in


Dear Vielen Dank

Hallo Frau Joycebaiio,

mir geht es heute nicht besonders gut, es ist der 10. Jahrestag des Ablebens meines geliebten Goldfisches, der einen Sprung über den Tellerrand wagte und scheiterte.
Ich bin gerne bereit die geforderten Informationen zu liefern, jedoch vorerst hätte ich gerne die in der vergangenen Mail genannten Referenzen wie eine Todesbescheinigung, ein Foto von euch beiden, etc., denn ich der Vergangenheit habe ich schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht mit Geschäften und würde nur ungerne meinen 4 Kindern erklären, wieso wir nicht in den Urlaub auf die Maledieven fliegen können.
Mit diesen Dokumenten würde ich mich viel sicherer fühlen.
Ich werde trotzdem alles schon mal vorbereiten und Dir dann zukommen lassen, sobald ich die Verifikation bestätigt bekommen habe.

Es grüßt
Emil Tischbein

Dear Vielen Dank!

Greetings in the name of the "Almighty GOD" The most Gracious and Most
Merciful Amen.

How are you today? I hope you are fine. Thank you immensely on your
detailed email to me, which is in response to my earlier email to you
soliciting your assistance. I wish to thank you also for your intimate
desire to help me channel this course.

I want to assure you from the bottom of my heart that this transaction
is legitimate and the source of the fund is not subject to controversy
that is why you can be rest assured that there is nothing practically
illegal about the origin of the fund.

The role that i want you to play is self explanatory. I want you to
execute my last WILL to the later on my behalf as carefully
streamlined in my first letter to you. I do not have a child,
otherwise i would have written a WILL in his name.

Meanwhile i want you to send the following information’s to me without
delays, to enable me prepare letter of Authorization on your behalf
and send it to the bank to enable the board and management of First
Inland Bank Nigeria Plc contact you and subsequently begin the
official process of transferring the funds to your nominated bank

The information’s are:

(1) Your full names :==========

(2) personal or official contact address:===============

(3) Home or Office phone#:====Cellphone#: ====Fax#:=======

(4) Your Age:=====


(6)Sex/Marital status:========

Be informed that the transfer process of the fund will adequately meet
international standards and layed down ethics to put all parties on a
sound footing without skirmishes of any kind ok.

Lastly, I would like to remind you to be conscious of the intrinsic
time value of this project, hence the urgent need to expedite action
in getting started without undue delays, as such a bold step will help
in seeing to its speedy conclusion.

Expecting your prompt response

Have a nice day and may GOD bless you richly.

Yours Sincerely




Hi Elena,

I'm glad that you still found my email with the help of the manager.
My name is Emil and I live near Frankfurt in Germany. I'm 35 years old
and enjoy having a good dinner with wine and a nice conversation with
my partner.
Your picture you send is quite attractive and I'm looking forward getting
some more impressions from you.



Hi my friend!Do not worry. It not spam. I am a real girl who wishes
to get acquainted with you. I have seen your profile on a site. I very
badly understand on the Internet. Therefore I have asked the manager
the Internet - cafe to help me. He has helped me to find you.
Unfortunately I only have not remembered what it there was a site. I
hope for you it's not a problem. Please tell me more about yourself,
your interests. My name is Elena. What is your name? I live in Russia.
My age of 28 years old. I wish to find new acquaintances and good
friendship. And can be and a love! If you liked my profile write me
E-mail and I will send my photo and video. I hope you all have correctly
understood and you write to me the return letter.



Hallo Aminata,

wie ich beim letzten Mal schon schrieb findest Du meine Daten in der Signatur.
Aber für Dich mach ich mal ne Ausnahme, scheinst ja ziemlich im Stress zu sein, oder auch nicht die Hellste.

1. Your name Emil Tischbein
2. Address Auf dem Holzweg 12, 60311 Frankfurt
3. Country of Origin Doitschland
4. Country of resident Doitschland
5. Your private telephone number +49 1805 125 781 4721
6. Your occupation Führer
7. Sex gerne!
8. Age 42

Es größt

Dear Friend,

Thank you for having time to respond to my mail and also for accepting
to help me and my son out of this heartbreaking situation. I'm mostly
concern that you help me in this transaction and my contact was based
on the information I gathered regarding this transaction to enable us
achieve our aim in having this fund being transfer to you as the
partner to my late husband(beneficiary). I contacted you for us to
benefit in this opportunity, so we should proceed on.

I want you to know that this transaction needs absolutely a Foreigner
to put claim to the said amount as the partner to my late husband,
this transaction will be successfully executed to your account as the
partner to my late husband without any query from your government or
else where with all the necessary information which I have gathered
regarding this transaction to ensure a smooth and successful transfer.
Note: This transaction will follow legal modalities and all the needed
documents will be obtained in your name as the partner to my late
husband, those documents will back up the transfer direct to your
account. You have nothing to be afraid of as long as am concern in
this transaction.

I will be coming over to your beautiful country with my son for
sharing of the fund and possible investment into any profitable
venture under your kind control as soon as the transaction is

If possible I will love to invest in real estate management or set up
a company with you in your country or any other place of your choice,
I trust you and that was why I contacted you as the only capable
person to champion this transaction.

Please I beg you in the name of God not to betray or cheat me after
the transaction is completed because the hope of me and my son is on
these fund.

Meanwhile you are required to send me the following information which
will be used to prepare some backup documents that will confirm you as
a business associate to my late husband.

1. Your name
2. Address
3. Country of Origin
4. Country of resident
5. Your private telephone number
6. Your occupation
7. Sex
8. Age

On the receipt of these information, we shall forge ahead for good.
You can easily reach me at any time. Should in case I am not around
when you call, please feel free to discuss with my son Boureima on
0022678846632 for he in position of the handset.

Mrs.Aminata Abdullahi



Hallo Aminata,

ich denke wir können zum Du übergehen, sind wir doch bald Geschäftspartner. Du hast eine äußerst symmetrische Physiognomie, das ist äußerst selten anzutreffen. Würdest Du so freundlich sein und mir noch ein solches Bild zusenden? Ich bin berauscht von solch Ebenbild. Du erhälst auch ein Bild von mir dafür.
Meine Kontaktdaten findest Du in der Signatur. Bitte melde Dich so schnell es geht!

Es grüßt Dich Dein

Dear Friend,

Thanks for your kind reply. I have a statement of account of my late husband from the bank where the fund, and I can send it to you if you wish in order to proof to you that the fund exist.

Meanwhile here is my picture as requested in this attachment.

Kindly send me your data as demanded so that we can get started.

I warmly greet you

Guten Tag Frau Joycebaiio,

mit Trauer in den Augen habe ich ihr Anschrieben gelesen und bin zutiefst betrübt über das erhaltene Schicksal, welches untröstlich ist. Gerne bin ich bereit dieses Unglück ein wenig aufzuhellen und für Sie tätig zu sein in jeglicher Hinsicht, sei es körperlicher Art oder geistiger. Ich bin Cougars nicht abgeneigt und habe schon einigen zur vollsten Zufriedenheit gedient.
Bitte senden Sie mir die Kontaktdaten inkl. Anschrieben, Referenzen, Beglaubigungen sowie Fotos zu.

Vielen Dank!
Emil Tischbein

I warmly greet you.

Please forgive me if my plea sounds a little strange or unbelievable to you. MRS JOYCEBAllO attorney who could have handled the process of executing my WILL & TESTAMENT on my behalf died early this year after a protracted illness. I therefore prayed fervently and by the special grace of GOD,i got your email ID from your country's guest book.I am MRS JOYCEBAllO,a native of Brisbane Australia,I am 58 years old. I am suffering from protracted cancer of the lungs which has also affected part of my brain cells due to complications.From all indication, my condition has deteriorated and it is quite obvious according to my doctors that i may not live for the next couple of months, because my condition has gotten to a critical and life threatening stage.

I was orphaned at the age of four and was raised in an orphanage. I was married to my late husband Engineer.Steve Morgan for twenty years without a child.STEVE had cardiovascular condition and died of cardiac arrest few years ago.I am a fervent Believer and a God fearing woman just like my late husband. Steve and i lived in Nigeria for over 18 years,where my husband a petrochemical engineer by profession worked and rose through the ranks to become an executive director with a multinational construction and oil servicing conglomerate, before his demise.He also established huge private investments that i assisted in managing.

Sequel to the unfortunate and shocking demise of my priceless husband, i decided as a rule not to re-marry.when my cancer ailment became terminal & more so because i do not have a next of kin to bequeath all that STEVE & i labored for,i sold off all our choice properties and other inherited belongings comprising of a shopping mall,an hotel, shares, bonds,jewelries and other valuable family treasures and deposited the proceeds amounting to USD$10,000,000.00 (TEN MILLION DOLLARS ONLY) with First Inland Bank of Nigeria plc. As i write this fund is still deposited with the bank. The management of the bank just wrote me as the sole owner because of the unserviceable status of the fund and suggested to me in a 2 paragraph statement to issue a letter of authorization to someone who can manage the fund on my behalf because of my ill health and also threatened that the fund could be confiscated upon my failure to adhere to their Banking rules and regulations within a stipulated time frame.

I am presently at the intensive care unit of a London hospital,located at fulham road in west London. It is the leading cancer treatment hospital in the world and i have been undergoing treatment there for late-stage terminal cancer of the lungs. I am computer literate and was fortunate enough to have my personal laptop with me,hence I am writing from my sick bed. I rarely talk, my doctors told me that I have only few months to live,unless there is a divine intervention.It is my last WISH therefore to see that 90% of this fund is invested in any charitable organization of your choice and administered as you may deem fit, especially to the orphanage homes and homes for destitute and the mentally retarded. you can also extend some part of the funds to churches and mosques and to those struck by natural disaster,if you wish.10% of the fund could also be expended on cost of administration of WILL & TESTAMENT and also on logistic support and other sundry arrangements that you may require as soon as the fund gets to you.

I crave your indulgence as a God fearing individual and as someone who cares for the less-privileged as much as i do, to take it upon yourself and use this fund for the above mentioned purposes,i took this painstaking decision in other to help humanity in my little capacity before i rest in peace in the bosom of GOD almighty.According to my physicians my time will soon be up.

As soon as I receive your reply and personal information as listed below, I shall give you the official contact of the First Inland Bank plc officials,to enable you contact the Bank without delays.I will also issue you with a letter of authorization,so that my bankers will recognize your status as the new beneficiary of the fund.

The letter of authorization will further prove that you are the new beneficiary of my ESTATE, WILL & TESTAMENT. the funds have an open beneficiary mandate and as such, it is whom i authorize or appoint to act on my behalf that the bank will recognize and release the funds to.Please assure me that you will not treat this offer with levity but will rather give my bequest continued existence.

Send the information in this order:

(1) Your full names :===================================

(2) personal or official contact address:===============================

(3) Home or Office phone#:============Cellphone#:==========Fax#:=======

(4) Your Age:===============


(6)Sex/Marital status:========================

Awaiting your kind response while craving your appreciation of my predicament.

Sincerely Yours,

(London Uk)


Hallo Aminata,

das sind ja plötzlich ganz andere Voraussetzungen, die Du da nennst. Von einem Sohn war nie die Rede. Aber ich denke, solange wir Zeit für uns haben, stellt das kein Problem dar. Hier gibt es sehr viel, was Dein Sohn sicherlich auch alleine machen kann.
Die angeforderten Daten findest Du in der Signatur und ich freue mich wieder etwas von Dir zu hören.
Ich hätte allerdings eine Bitte: hast Du irgendwelche Dokumente, die es bezeugen können, was du berichtest? Und könnte ich ein Lichtbild von Dir erhalten? Ich weiß immer gerne, mit wem ich rede und wenn ich ein Bild habe, kann ich das viel besser visualisieren.

Es grüßt
Emil Tischbein

Dear Friend,

Thank you for having time to respond to my mail and also for accepting
to help me and my son out of this heartbreaking situation. I'm mostly
concern that you help me in this transaction and my contact was based
on the information I gathered regarding this transaction to enable us
achieve our aim in having this fund being transfer to you as the
partner to my late husband(beneficiary). I contacted you for us to
benefit in this opportunity, so we should proceed on.

I want you to know that this transaction needs absolutely a Foreigner
to put claim to the said amount as the partner to my late husband,
this transaction will be successfully executed to your account as the
partner to my late husband without any query from your government or
else where with all the necessary information which I have gathered
regarding this transaction to ensure a smooth and successful transfer.
Note: This transaction will follow legal modalities and all the needed
documents will be obtained in your name as the partner to my late
husband, those documents will back up the transfer direct to your
account. You have nothing to be afraid of as long as am concern in
this transaction.

I will be coming over to your beautiful country with my son for
sharing of the fund and possible investment into any profitable
venture under your kind control as soon as the transaction is

If possible I will love to invest in real estate management or set up
a company with you in your country or any other place of your choice,
I trust you and that was why I contacted you as the only capable
person to champion this transaction.

Please I beg you in the name of God not to betray or cheat me after
the transaction is completed because the hope of me and my son is on
these fund.

Meanwhile you are required to send me the following information which
will be used to prepare some backup documents that will confirm you as
a business associate to my late husband.

1. Your name
2. Address
3. Country of Origin
4. Country of resident
5. Your private telephone number
6. Your occupation
7. Sex
8. Age

On the receipt of these information, we shall forge ahead for good.
You can easily reach me at any time. Should in case I am not around
when you call, please feel free to discuss with my son Boureima on
0022678846632 for he in position of the handset.

Mrs.Aminata Abdullahi


(Kein Betreff)

Hallo Aminata,

ich habe Deine Mail gelesen und komme zurück zu Dir! Wann kann ich Dich sehen? Will viele unanständige Sachen mit Dir machen!

Mit frivolem Gruß


I want you to patiently read this offer. I am Mrs.Aminata Abdullahi,the wife to the deceased former Head of Delegation to the World Bank in West Africa. My husband was the linkman between the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries - OPEC and the petroleum sector in a West African country. He also attend OPEC meetings constantly in Geneva before his death caused by cardiac arrest in our home town.
Through the sale of our allocated oil quota in OPEC, he was able to make S$8.million.(EIGHT MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS)I want you to assist me to claim this money as i cannot claim it directly because he made the deposit as a fund belonging to his business associate in order not to raise eyebrow since he was a civil servant during that time, and the code of conduct bureau forbids him or his wife to acquire such amount of money.
It is on this basis that I am contacting you for assistance, if you will be interested, claim documents will been processed and sent to you. The documents with which the fund is deposited will be amended to reflect you as the beneficiary so that you will be eligible to collect the fund as his business associate.
You shall be entitled to 30% of the total funds while the rest will be given to me on arrival in your country for the up keeping of my only son and for further investment under your kind control there in your country as I can not be able to do any investment here in West Africa due to the origin of the said fund.
I will not fail to bring to your notice that this business is risk free and doesn't have any negative implication. You should not entertain any fear as all modalities for the smooth and easy transfer of this fund have been finalized. If you can conveniently assure me of your ability to keep this business very secret and confidential, you can write back to me for further details.
Expecting your urgent response.
Best regards,
Mrs.Aminata Abdullahi