
Mrs. Mariam Sankoh

Hallo Herr Anthony Lewis,

ich soll Sie kontaktieren zwecks Vermittelung von Transfermöglichkeiten fadenscheiniger Geldgeschäfte. Bitte teilen Sie mir in feuchter Aussprache mit wie Sie zu verfahren gedenken, damit ich entsprechende Schritte einleiten kann.

Bitte entschuldigen Sie mein äußerst schlechtes Englisch, ich habe lediglich ein Wörterbuch von 1912 vorliegen, welches meinem Großvater, Gott habe ihn selig, gehörte. Ich sende Ihnen aber parallel auch die Mail im Original zu.


I must place it in the contact with for the intermediation of the possibilities of the translation of the transactions in the contante money of fadenscheiniger. Official notice I in the humid discussion request in, as to continue you you include/understand, on the way that I can introduce the points that agree.

Pardoned I request my English language is extremely defective, to you there will be the dictionary 1912, that must be present, that has my grandfathers, the God that more blessedly, you only belonged. There I give yet parallel in addition the post office in the original one.

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

Re: Info

Soso, also mal wieder in englisch schreiben. Mal sehen was denn so verschiedene Übersetzungstools anrichten können.

Dear Emil Tischbein,

Thanks for your mail. Please note that the Security Company is used by high government officials in Africa and some other third world countries to hide money and other treasures. It operates in covert environment. If you want to get in touch with them, you have to establish communication with them so that they can be aware that you are coming and formally book appointment with you. My Attorney has given them your information. They are waiting for your email or telephone call to establish contact with you.

Please translate your German Language into English Language so that they can understand. Once you establish contact with them, they will give you their contact address and other information you may require in other to have a successful transaction with them.

Please do not always hesitate to write me so that I follow what is going on.

My Regards,

Mrs Sankoh


Re: Info

Sehr geehrte Mrs. Mariam Sankoh,

ich habe mehrfach versucht, die Telefonnummer anzuwählen, jedoch meldete sich immer eine Dame, die mich auf wüste beschimpfte (und das auch noch auf hessisch!!), daß dort kein Anthony Lewis zu erreichen sei und ich die falsche Telefonnummer hätte. Auf eine eMail meinerseits erfolgte noch keine Resonanz, obwohl ich die ja schon vor einigen Tagen versendet habe.
Da ich aber nächste Woche terminlich nach England muß und einen Zwischenstopp in London einlagen muß, bevor ich nach Edingburgh weiterreise, könnte ich ja auch vor Ort vorbeischauen. Geben Sie mir bitte eine ladungsfähige Kontaktadresse vor Ort.

Emil Tischbein

Dear Emil Tischbein,

Thanks for your mail. I still believe we can work together to get the fund for our mutual benefit. Please I will appreciate if you can give this transaction a great deal of time so that we can conclude it within one week or so. I have spoken to my Attorney and he asked me to give you the contact of the Security Company in London. You will contact them via the contact information given you below. You may be required to visit London to sign and collect it. You will now be obliged to always give me feedback from what you discussed with Security Company in London so that my Attorney and I can have an input for a successful and smooth transaction.

Please write them and ask them that you want to collect your consignment. Then they will ask you to present your Document, You will give them the document I sent to you.

Contact name: Anthony Lewis
Tel No: 44 792 841 0892
Emil: info@asapecsecandtrustinc.com
Second Email: anthonylewis@asapecsecandtrustinc.com

You can call them as well. Let me know as soon as you establish communication with them.


Mrs Sankoh


Re: Info

Sehr geeherte Frau Sankoh,

vielen Dank für ihre prompte Rückmeldung, leider war ich in der vergangenen Woche verhindert. Mein Job als Vorsitzender der Ich-AG hat mich gezwungen, in Deutschland herumzureisen und die verschiedenen Zweigstellen zu besuchen zwecks Mitarbeitermotivierung.

Nun habe ich aber wieder ein wenig Luft und kann Ihnen bei der Beschaffung des Kapitals zur Verfügung stehen. Wie verfahren wir denn weiter?

Emil Tischbein

Dear Emil Tischbein,

I appreciate your mail. I will be very pleased to work with you to get this fund out. As provident would have it, the fund is in London and if all things work fine, it’ll not take you much effort it getting the fund for our mutual benefits. I also appreciate your condolence messages. Honestly, I would appreciate the transaction to be carried out in utmost secrecy because of the sensationalism it will generate if it leaks out to the press. You wouldn’t know who will do that among your friends whom you will relate the story to. The generous thing to do is to keep it secret.

The fund in question is US$18,200,000.00 and is deposited in a Finance House (Security Company) by one of the African Diplomats in London. A Diplomat from Ghana to be precise did deposit it for my husband during the war. It was deposited with a foreigner’s name since my husband will not appear in person anywhere to claim the fund. You might represent the Foreigner in question if we are to work together. I will immediately, forward your information to the Finance House in London so that you will be treated as the legitimate owner of the fund. You may be required to go to London to claim the fund, from where you can sign, formalize the terms agreed by my Husband and the Finance House and finally transfer it to any of the banks you mentioned. My Lawyer and I will come to your country as soon as this is done to collect our own share.

Attached for your perusal is the document my husband used in Depositing the fund. Also included is my identification for your understanding as well. You will be given US$5,096,000.00 for your assistance.

Do let me know your position as soon as possible. I will let my lawyer handle it so that there will be nothing that will be left to chance in carrying out a smooth transaction.

My Regards

Mrs. Sankoh


Re: Info

Sehr geehrte Frai Miriam Sankoh,

mein Beileid bzgl. des Todes ihres Mannes.
Gerne bin ich bereit bei dem Problem behilflich zu sein. Ich bitte um Zusendung weiterer Unterlagen zwecks Prüfung der Ernsthaftigkeit des Anliegens.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

Dear Sir/Madam,

From where my family sort refuge under the auspices of UNHCR in Republic of
Guinea since 2003, I Mrs. Mariam Sankoh, wife of the deceased Paul Chieck
Sankoh, a formal freedom fighter or what people may call rebel in Sierra
Leon, decided to write you this mail to solicit your help to move some money
hitherto hidden in a security company in Europe to your account anywhere in
the world. It's expedient now since the war has ended and the situation in
our country is gradually coming to normal. My family wants to use this money
to invest in one of the West African countries - precisely in Nigeria. I
have contracted an Attorney in Nigeria to make sure this age long dream of
stabilizing my family is achieved. I have handed him over this deal to
transact with you to ensure that all protocols are observed concerning the
movement of this money so that it does not violate any international law.

Full details will be further given if I hear from you. Also I will
appreciate if you can send me immediately your phone number including mobile
line, fax and your address. Also your position in your company which will
elucidate your ability to handle this money once it is in your hand. Please
note that the transaction is hitch-free since I will give you the document
which my husband used in depositing the money and with the advice of my
lawyer everything will be done professionally. Do note that the success of
the deal depends on you ability to keep it secret.


Mrs. Mariam Sankoh

Resend the money to

Hallo Herr Bassey,

wer ist denn jetzt dieser David Moloney? Und wieso schreibst Du mir wieder unter dieser eMail-Adresse? Ich denke die hat jemand gehackt? Ich traue Dir nicht mehr! Immerhin soll ich doch an davidpersonalissues@yahoo.com schreiben oder etwa nicht? Du bist bestimmt gar nicht David Bassey sondern willst mir das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen!

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

What is happenening ? I would want you to go back to western union and resend the money splitted into two equal parts to

Name : David Bassey
Nigeria .

Name : David Moloney
Nigeria .

I will want you to spli the money into two equal parts and send me the western union details as soon as it is done .

I have been trying to call you , but it says the number is incorrect . I wait for your email .

David .

March 10th, 2007

Hallo Herr Elane,

es tut mir leid, daß ich mich nicht früher melden konnte, wir hatten einen Trauerfall in der Familie. Mein Großvater ist verstorben und ich muß mich um die Beerdigung kümmern. Der alte Sack ist doch endlich abgekratzt, mit seinem Gemeckere ging er uns doch allen auf die Nerven, vor allen Dingen weil er immer sagte "Ich enterbe euch, ich enterbe euch". Dabei dürfte er mehr als die Hälfte seines Vermögens im Puff bei Chantal gelassen haben. Hoffen wir mal, daß von den Millionen wenigstens etwas übrig ist und die Schlampe nicht berücksichtigt wird. Ansonsten wird vor Gericht gegangen!

Ich melde mich nochmal, sobad alles unter der Erde ist, momentan hab ich für den Lottogewinn eh keine Zeit. Übrigens war ich mal bei Peter, jetzt weiß ich auch woher ich den kenne. Mein Onkel hatte mal geschäftlich mit ihm zu tun und er wurde von Bieberfeld über den Tisch gezogen! Das mache ich nicht mit. Ich werde jetzt TomteExpress beauftragen, da krieg ich wenigstens auch eine Bestätigung der Transaktion per Mail überwiesen.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

Dear Emil,

I have not heard from you now for 2 days what is the problem. We are running out of time. Respond.



7th March 2007

Lieber Micheal Elane,

eine wirklich unglaubliche Geschichte hat siczh hier zugetragen. Mein Hamster ist aus dem Käfig ausgebüxt und hat die Kabel angeknabbert. Und ich Trottel dachte es wäre mal wieder die Schuld vom Provider, daß der Netzzugang nicht geht. Habe das erst heute morgen gesehen, daß die Kabel blank rumlagen. Konnte daher auch nicht Deine Mails lesen.
Ich werde morgen mal zu Peter Bieberfeld fahren, der ist ja auch Mitglied in der Frankfurter CDU. Irgendwoher kenne ich den Namen, weiß aber nicht genau wo. Vielleicht wenn ich ihn morgen sehe.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

Dear Emil Tischbein,

Why have you not replied my last email I gave you directions on how to locate a money gram payment office and you have not responded to my email.

Respond ASAP.

Micheal Elane

6th March 2007

Dear Emil Tischbein,

I recieved your email and I have provided you with the information required for you to send the money to London. Below I have located a MONEY GRAM payment office. You are required to contact and the Agent and he will assist you in sending the money. But do not tell him what you sending the money for. This is for the security of your winnings.

Tel: 49699291320
Services Available:
Send MoneyTransfer
Receive MoneyTransfer

Note Hours
MON: Closed
TUE: 09:15 to 18:30
WED: 09:15 to 18:30
THU: 09:15 to 18:30
FRI: 09:15 to
SAT: 10:30 to 18:00
SUN: 10:30 to 18:00

Please make sure you pay the money today.

Recievers Name: David Perkings
Address: London UK.
Amount: 1850 Pounds

IN-CORRECT You have to be sure


entschuldige die süpäte Nachricht, aber Du wirst es nicht glauben: mein Hamster hat alle offenen Kabel, die hier rumliegen, angeknabbert und durchtrennt. Plötzlich war also kein Internet mehr da. Dachte erst mein Provider hätte mal wieder Probleme, aber es hat doch tatsächlich bis heute, bis ich es gemerkt habe. Hab mir jetzt auch schon neue Kabel geholt, aber konnte Deine Mail auch erst jetzt lesen.
Ich werde morgen nochmal zu Western Union gehen und fragen was das Problem ist.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813


Y ou have to go back to the western union ofice as the details you send to me are not correct.

I will also let you know that i have other issues at hand and if i do not get the full and correct details by the end of this week then i will drop your file and face other issues.

I will advise you send the correct western union details to me this week.




Hallo Anna,

eine äußerst vielversprechende Tätigkeit. Bitte gib mir mehr Informationen dazu.

Emil Tischbein
Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

My name is Anna.
I write to you with the interesting partnership
offer. I am working in dating business on the Internet. Dating has big
popularity and I have good money on this.

How work a dating business?
Users of a site pay till 49.95 $ for membership. The paid users of a
site have an opportunity to write the letter to other members and
chatting in online.
The most popular payment for dating sites is payment through instant
billing. I have contacted with the company which gives billing system
to dating sites, but to me responded, that they cannot give billing
service to me because my country has a low economic level. They have
advised to find the partner from the country with more favorable
economic conditions.
The billing company does not work with Macedonia therefore I search
the partner outside my country and consequently I write to you.
What I offer to you?
I offer you of 40 percents from the income of a site. It is a minimum
5000 $ monthly.
What work you will need do to?
Absolutely all of work on a site will be made by me. You do not need
to have any skills of work in the Internet, have your own company or
special education. All that you will need to do, it just one time in
every 15 days go to the your bank and receive money from site. Then
you will send 60 percents to me and get 40 percents to yourselves


Hi my new friend

Die "Dame" hatte mir unter einer anderen Anschrift geschrieben, Text war so ähnlich wie "it's kaila" vom 21. Februar. Als Anhang gabs zwei Bilder von Bastian Schweinsteiger.

Hallo Nataliya,

ich kann dir sicherlich behilflich sein. Ich bin zwar nicht der geeignete Mann dafür, aber mein Stiefsohn, dessen Fotos ich anhängen werde, hat sich vor ein paar Monaten von seiner Freundin getrennt und könnte wieder ein wenig weibliche Gesellschaft benötigen. Er ist trotz seines jungen Alters schon auf sehr soliden Füßen stehend, er verdient sehr gutes Geld und ist, wie Du schon sehen wirst, recht attraktiv. Manchmal kommt zwar der Lausbunb bei ihm durch, speziell, wenn er mit seinem Kumpel Lukas in München abends rumstreunert, aber ich hoffe, daß er bei solch reizend aussehender Gesellschaft das Zuhause vorzieht.
Bitte teile mir mit, wann wir Dich empfangen können.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

Hi my new friend
Im glad to see that you have decided to reply,I see it is very short letter.
It is all right because you are astonished to get my letter.
I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I have not any secrets.
The thing is that I will work in your country for three months or so and
I would like to meet a nice man to fall in love or just be closest friends.
I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,
it is hardly possible to explain from first time but I want you to know my plans.
I will work in any shop, bar or restaurant the agency that i am going through will suggest me some locations.
It will be my choice in the end as to what option to go for.
So I will have a simple work till I improve my English. And I can choose any
town of your area,agency will only help me to get a visa and all travel documents + some suggested placed to work in.
My best friend last year met the man from the USA when she worked there for three months, too.
She had two jobs. From morning till 4 pm she worked in amusement park and after it she worked as a waitress in some bar till midnight.
She was very tired of course but made very good money there.
It is special programm for young people who wants to work abroad and I think it is the right way for me ,
I am lost here,and I think that I look pretty enough to find a better place .I want to repeat the same way,it is
only my chance to meet a nice man.I want to work in USA or in Europe or any
nice country. I am full of plans and different dreams and I want to share my
life with good man because I'm also full of love and tenderness,I know that
I am not so beautiful like Hollywood Princess but I do hope to meet my Prince and
I am sure he will be not be disappoined to meet me in the real life! This is why I am going to go through the same way.
Well,I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply.
I will leave russia in two weeks or so (I can't tell you everything exactly
right now) and I would like tobe sure that I have the man who waits for me there. I will work all day and I want to find a man to spend all free time
together to get to know each other better.if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet you too.
I will tell you all details about me and my life if you like my pictures and
want to meet me! please send picture of you too!!!
I write to you with my new mailbox laska@greatmailservices.biz, please write
letters now only on this mailbox.
I will wait your next letter.
Kiss you , NATALIYA (this is my name)!

IN-CORRECT You have to be sure

Hallo David,

ich habe doch alles so gemacht wie Du es mir gesagt hast.
Sender Erster Name: Emil
Sender Letzter Name: Tischbein
Kontrollnummer: 4973157986

Bitte nochmals prüfen. Alternativ schlage ich den Versand via TomteExpress vor: www.tomteexpress.de.vu
Damit kannst Du in jeder Bank einlösen, sind so ähnlich wie Traveller Schecks.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
Fon 1: +49 18051257814721
Fon 2: +49 180532316109630
Mobile 1: +49 180163384612361
Mobile 2: +49 180599998628813

Dear Emil,
I have checked out the informations you sent to me and it is not correct, please send the full sender's name so i will check with the western union office again, you have to send the details again as below;
Sender's First name:
Sender's last name:
Control number: (you have to be sure that this is correct as the attachment you sent to me was blank)
You also have to keep a steady check on your emails so i will conclude the process with you soon.
David Esq.


29th Ferbuary 2007

Ist klar, der Februar hat dieses Jahr Geburtstag

Hallo Herr Elane,

ich habe doch den Betrag bezahlt. Sie sind doch derjenige welcher mir dauernd irgendwelche Personen nennen, denen ich Geld zu überweisen habe und die dann nicht in der Lage sind, dieses abzuholen. Ich bitte also um konstruktive Vorschläge, wie wir das Problem beheben können. Und bitte nicht den beknackten Vorschlag unterbreiten, eine andere Filiale aufzusuchen. Ich habe inzwischen Hausverbot bei Western Union.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
+49 180 512 5781 4721

Dear, Emil Tischbein,

We do not know what the problem is with you but if the issue is that you cannot pay the tax fee completely tell us we can help you pay half of the total amount. Please respond as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Micheal Elane


Hallo David,

hier die Nummer, nach einigem Bemühen habe ich sie gefunden: 4973157986. Aber die war doch auch auf dem Papier zu sehen, welches ich Dir gesendet habe.

Emil Tischbein

Auf dem Holzweg 12
60311 Frankfurt
+49 180 512 5781 4721

Dear Emil

How are you

Just check the 10 digt control number and send or ask the western union the number to send

I await your reply

