
Attn The Director

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Michel Mbololu,
es erfreut mich, eine persönliche Mail vom Kopf der World Bank West Africa zu erhalten.
In Öl muss ich gerade sowieso investieren, es ist ja verdammt kalt hier in Deutschland geworden und meine Hamster, die ich letzte Woche kaufen sollte, frieren ziemlich.
Da ich aber ein von Natur aus misstrauischer Mensch bin, möchte ich Sie bitten, sich mir gegenüber mit amtlichen Papieren zu legitimieren, damit ich weiß, dass ich auch mit dem wirklichen Michael zu tun habe und nicht mit dem Michael aus der Eckkneipe, dem ich noch ein Kölsch schulde, dieser Schmierlappen.

Es grüßt
Emil Tischbein

I want you to patiently read thias offer. I am Dr Michael Mbolu., the Head of Delegation to the World Bank in West Africa. I am the linkman between the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries - OPEC and the petroleum sector in a West African country. I also attend OPEC meetings constantly in Geneva.I also Attend The 148th (Ordinary) Meeting of the Conference of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) convened in Vienna, Austria, on 5 March 2008

Through the sale of our allocated oil quota in OPEC, I was able to make $45.million.(FOURTY-FIVE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS)I want you to assist me to claim this money as i cannot claim it directly because I am still a civil servant, and the code of conduct bureau forbids me to acquire such amount of money.

It is on this basis that I am contacting you for assistance, if you will be interested, claim documents will been processed and sent to you. The documents with which the fund is deposited will be changed to reflect you as the new beneficiary so that you will be eligible to collect the fund on my behalf. You shall be entitled to 30% of the total funds while the rest will be given to me on arrival in your country. I am aware of the international monitoring of all large-scale financial movements after the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack on America and to avoid any state of financial investigation I will provide a classified clearance paper from the relevant body which will exonerate the money from either drug, money laundered or terrorist related proceeds.

I will not fail to bring to your notice that this business is 100% risk free and doesn't have any negative implication. You should not entertain any fear as all modalities for the smooth and easy transfer of this fund have been finalized. If you can conveniently assure me of your ability to keep this business very secret and confidential, you can write back to me giving me your telephone/fax numbers for easier communication.

Expecting your response.

Best regards,

Dr. Michael Mbolu.

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