
Option2 Payment via Courier (Super Ena Lotto)

Hallo Mr. Sean Ambrose,

danke für die Rückmeldung. Nach Durchsicht der Unterlagen habe ich mich dafür entschlossen, INTERNATIONAL zu verwenden. Wenn Sie mir nur einen Gefallen tun könnten: Bitte das Ticket nicht in einem braunen Umschlag versenden, sondern in einem weißen. Braune Unschläge verwendet auch die deutsche Lotto-Gesellschaft, um einem den Gewinn zukommen zu lassen. Und ich möchte nicht mit den nachbarn teilen müssen bzw. gar nichts davon haben. Sie verstehen das sicherlich.
Und teilen Sie mir bitte die Abflugzeiten mit, immerhin ist der Flug mit 375 Pfund nicht ganz billig.

Emil Tischbein

Dear Mr Emil Tischbein,

I have sent your parcel to the courier company and Mr. Micheal Elane has given me the Delivery Options to send to since you cannot reach hime drirectly.

Below is the Delivery Options:

FiveWays Courier Express is a well-established company offering courier and transport services 24 hour a day for priority delivery of letters, parcels and consignments to any destination by road, air or sea. We have a substantial team of couriers available for motorcycle dispatch plus van driver couriers in all size vehicles from small vans up to 7.5 tonne and international couriers for dispatch by road, sea or air.We have extensive UK, European and World connections.

This E-mail sent to you is to inform you that the Verifications Dept. at the headquarters of the UK national Lottery International has officially cleared you for payment.The original copy of this certificate together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British government stating that the money was obtained legally through their National Lotto will be couriered to the payment bank and transferred to you as soon as you meet with any of the option listed below and your winnings will be couriered and transferred to you immediately

The options, together with their associated conditions are presented below:

Courier of your winning draft to payment centre via any of this channel listed below:

An original certificate of weight.....0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel................0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel......................Brown
Vat (5%)..............................£022.75

An original certificate of weight.....0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel................0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel......................Brown
Vat (5%)..............................£021.75

An original certificate of weight.....0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel................0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel......................Brown
Mailing; .............................£013.00
Vat (5%)..............................£019.00

An original certificate of weight.....0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel................0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel......................Brown
Flight; ..............................£275.00
Vat (5%)..............................£019.00

An original certificate of weight.....0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel................0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel......................Brown
Flight; ..............................£375.00
Vat (5%)..............................£019.00

You will have to choose from the above options, so we can send to you our payment ofiicer's contact details so you can immediately send to him the charges for your courier parcel which will be sent to you immediately your payment has been confirmed here in our office.

Note that your prize is protected by a hardcover insurance policy, which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from the money before it has been remitted to you. This means that the above charges cannot be deducted from the prize and hence must be provided by you before your prize is transferred to you.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the options above.

Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Mr.Micheal Elane(Management)
FiveWays Courier Express Ltd

C/O Sean Ambrose
Fudiciary Agent

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3 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Du traust Dich so einfach zu fliegen? Hattest Du nicht ein Englandverbot? Schik doch einfach einen Kurier vom Tomteexpress

Emil Tischbein hat gesagt…

Naja, es gibt zwa rnoch Tomteexpress, aber ich habe noch einen vertrauenswürdigen Kompanion: Jochen Halsabschneider. Der darf nach England.

Unknown hat gesagt…

das schreit doch nach einer vertrauenswürdigen Website. Nicht das es hier zu Mafiaähnlichen Verstrickungen kommt, wenn Du auch den Tomteexpress nutzt.